I read much faster when it isn't for class.
- I've underestimated mustard for quite some time now. We have some catching up to do.
- Contrary to popular belief Christian Slater isn't a smuck.
- Tillamook Ice Cream is really really good.
- Doctors should recommend ten hours of sleep. Society would benefit.
- The Corn Flakes commercial is deceiving, Roosters don't crow once, they crow until the sun has reached the highest point in the sky.
- My neighbor has a Rooster.
- The city doesn't discourage Rooster enthusiasts.
- The city probably should.
- Rooster enthusiasm is rather selfish.
- The alarm clock has rendered city Roosters obsolete for some time now.
- Roosters should probably go back to their roots: egg making.
- If doctors recommended ten hours of sleep Rooster enthusiasm would decline.
- Society would benefit and I wouldn't hate my neighbors.
This Olson House
5 years ago
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